Saturday, August 26, 2006
Red Sea At Night

So I'd just posted about being ready for football, and looky-loo, lucky me got tickets to the pre-season game from a friendly TV station. (Apparently they're not holding any weather-personality-stalking against me. I think it means they want me to spend some moolah.) If I hadn't had to walk 14 miles uphill both ways from my parking spot to the stadium, I'd have taken a better camera with me. As it was, I toted some knitting along, but was too intimidated (and distracted by the game) to bust that out. We take football seriously in this town, and some people around us would have interpreted knitting as hating. NObody likes a hatah! It didn't help that I brought along a 24-row repeat sock pattern I've never done before & it would have required me ignoring everything around me. (Not smart.) But it was a win for the Chiefs, and now I'm home & a little keyed-up still from the experience. Even though half the crowd had left by the 4th quarter, it's still a thundering noisy stadium, full of energy....and drunken folk. Speaking of drunken folk, somebody in the neighborhood is having a party, as I hear the thump-doop-dum-thump of a bass from a stereo cranked up high. It's rare for around here, and hopefully by the time I crawl into bed the white noise of our fans and my sleepiness will obscure the noise. Makes me glad I don't live next to an aspiring band..... or Arrowhead Stadium......
posted by PlazaJen, 11:22 PM