PlazaJen: Passion Knit

Monday, September 06, 2004

Camping. Much, Yet, Sometimes, Not So Much.

Well, well, well.

Camping can be awesome. Let me list some things I love about camping. I love the cooking & eating & playing with dogs. The slow pace that seems to set in, and the comfortableness of being yourself among friends you love. I love the quietness and not-so-quietness of a 1,000 cicadas & crickets. I love watching the sun rise & set, and the smallness of my universe as I throw my head back and look into an inverted bowl of cerulean blue, liberally strewn with stars.
And then, there's the whole sleeping-in-a-tent thing, where it's a good 20-degrees warmer than outside. Bleah. One nap marred by being woken up by my own sweat, running into my ear. Eesh. Then, a clear night, with some wind. The storms traveled off to the north. Let's try to make it a ten-degree difference with the night air, and take that rain shield off. Oh lord. Troubles so hard, to quote Moby. I have no idea what time it was. But when the raindrops hitting the tent sounded like the JiffyPop popcorn consumed earlier that night, I finally woke up. Apparently it had been raining for a while, and poorPolly was in her crate whimpering, girl, you shoulda BARKED so I would have gotten up sooner, and it was mad-dash-oh-lord-wow-my-back-is-really-wet-how-long-was-I-sleeping-in-the-rain? and then James was there & we got the rain guard up but it was too late, there was water everywhere, and so I made two trips in the rain & pitch blackness to take in my yarn (that went before my clothes! ha!) and books, and then our bags of clothes. (James was sleeping in the house when the rain hit, otherwise this wouldn't have happened.) I have become a very defensively sound sleeper, and that has been illustrated more than one time with some of the major storms we've had this summer. Wha' storms? So then I was trying to sleep on a sofabed thingy, very unhappy, jaw clenched, and James came to check on me & startled me so much I sat up fast & at an angle & folded the bed up on myself. That was the least happy moment of the weekend, I'd say. I am covered in mosquito bites, I didn't knit or read a thing, because I was afraid of getting things dirty, and I can say we had fun. And S'mores. They were really awesome. And breakfast yesterday was incredible. And the stars, and the sky, and the moon & the sun. Big big world. And I am so excited to sleep in my bed tonight.

posted by PlazaJen, 6:16 PM