PlazaJen: Passion Knit

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Weekends were Made for Knittin'

I'm about to go park myself in front of the DVR and watch all the crime shows I've taped for a week-plus, while knitting on the Fabu Holiday Shardigan. Unfortunately, I did not consume enough caffeine in the past couple of days & woke up with a humdinger of a headache. (It's a bitch being an addict.) But I took three Target-brand Excederin, and I'll have a Diet Coke or two & stability will be restored. It's much easier to maintain this habit than, say, oh, black tar heroin! I'd venture a guess that it's also a smidgen healthier.

We had a really nice evening last night, with some of our favorite people in the world stopping by to nosh & visit: Shelley & Kurt, Kristin and her Mom and Dad (the one and only JET), Angela, Julie & Randy & the spankin' new Lily, who was even more gorgeous than she was on Day One in the world - it was so nice to see her eyes OPEN! There was way too much food, as we always go overboard, but not having a ton of people really allowed us to chat more and relax. Oh, and I probably drank an entire bottle of wine when it was all said and done and the little light bulb just went off in my head that perhaps THAT also contributed to the headache? Well, I'm sticking to the caffeine story, no matter what.

I'm also going to go brunette this weekend. I feel like I'm kinda done with the varying shades of shocking red, and red is also the fastest haircolor to fade, studies say. It has gotten to the point where I feel like I need to color my hair every two weeks to obliterate the ever-marching forward root line. I think it'd be kind of interesting, one day, to actually NOT have to dye my hair to cover up my roots - and, GASP, discover if I have any gray hairs yet! I'm naturally a mousy brown, and it's really challenging to find that specific color on the boxes, because "mousy" is not really a selling adjective in the cosmetic & haircolor industry. So as we phase out the red and into a new era of hair color, "French Roast" will be the first step in a new direction. Mmm. Sounds tasty. Maybe in a few months Feria'll have a "French Mouse". Madame! Portez-vous la Souris Française? Très bon. Mousse? I'd love some.

posted by PlazaJen, 11:17 AM