PlazaJen: Passion Knit

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Belly Laugh of the Day

We have a calendar in the bathroom that features Black Labradors. I also use this calendar to mark down things like "James hunting", "Shrimpdig", and "De-worm the dogs!" I used all the heartworm medicine stickers to keep me on track for giving the dogs their meds, and at the end of this month, I have a note that I need to go to the vet for more Advantix & de-wormers. (They're on a regular de-worming schedule because they're a) hunting dogs and b) cat poop connoisseurs.) So I lift up April's page to see when the next treatment is due so I can gauge how much time I have to get to the vet, and I see a new entry in mid-May:

"Jeremy P's birthday, send a gift"

One of our shrimpdig attendees, gettin' a little delayed humor in. I forgot how damned funny that guy is, his humor's pretty dry, he's a relatively quiet guy, but James always likes to point out he showed up at a Halloween party dressed as Angus Young, and that was the night he probably stole JWo's heart. Thankfully, Jeremy's married so I'm not too worried. I made a mental note this morning, when I was done laughing, to spend more time with them.
posted by PlazaJen, 12:03 PM