Monday, January 03, 2005
The Duck Flies at Midnight
that would be the coded email message I received from a co-worker, indicating that one of our co-workers has quit. Quacks me up, I must say. And so appropriate for a duck hunting widow!
posted by PlazaJen, 1:40 PM
Riding the bike with one pedal. (It's not as easy as it sounds.)
About Me
- Name: PlazaJen
- Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States
I'm a one-woman stand-up whirlwind who can be incredibly lazy and incredibly funny, sometimes at the same time. I write bitter haikus, cook Thai food, love my husband & our dogs, love my friends & family, and the rest of my time centers around yarn & knitting, with sporadic crafting thrown in for good measure.
KC Hip Knit Chicks:
Peeps & Homies:
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Previous Posts
- Knitting with Fabric
- Best Year Ever
- Noticing...
- Humiliation & Elation
- I FEEL FABULOUS! I am PRETTY, and this vest just m...
- This is the most humiliating moment of my life, ne...
- *I* do not understand what her deal is, lady. *I* ...
- I am going to shut my eyes, and pray that when I o...
- Ye Three Queens
- Discombobulation Day
- current
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
The Fine Print, Read Rapidly & Unintelligibly:
Passion Knit. Population: Me. Yarn: In Abundance. Humor: Necessary. Ranting & Raving: Often.
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